Naked: Rethinking Risk Management After the Crisis
Published: July 21, 2009 in
Knowledge@W.P. Carey

Just as every crisis prompts
soul-searching about assumptions and standard procedures, banks and other
financial institutions are taking a serious look now at how they measure, price
and monitor risk in the capital markets. As Washington policymakers debate
reforms to address regulatory gaps revealed by the worst crisis since the Great
Depression, there is growing discussion about what are the right lessons to be
drawn about managing financial risk.
L. Wendell Licon, a W. P. Carey Clinical Assistant Professor of Finance,
says many of the lessons learned are the same as those gleaned from previous
crises. The problem, he says, is that investors get caught up in the
"irrational exuberance" of rising markets and forget fundamental risk
management principles. "There are basic points: don't ignore remote
possibilities; do your own risk analysis: if you don't know how to price a
security, then you probably shouldn't buy it; and understand both the risks and
benefits of the herd mentality in investing."
Respecting the black swans of
As an example, Licon says that risk
models should not rely on historical data alone to predict future market
movements. He adds that risks should not be calculated in isolation, but rather
take into account the interdependencies of markets and regions.
The extraordinary events of the last
two years have produced a new respect for remote possibilities in financial
markets. Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of "The Black Swan: the Impact of
the Highly Improbable," described how our brains are not wired for
statistical uncertainty. As a result, we tend to underestimate the possibility
of unusual events. "The fact that extraordinary events occurred with
greater frequency over the last two years highlights the need for more robust
scenario analysis and stress testing in financial risk management," Licon
says. "Understanding and modeling so-called tail risk events has become
more important than ever."
One of the main shortcomings of the
mortgage-backed securities market was underestimating the risk of housing price
Subprime mortgages were considered
such a narrow segment of the overall real estate market that the spillover risk
to the rest of the credit markets was severely miscalculated. Many of the risk
models used to price these securities, or the collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
created from them, involved stress tests and scenario analyses that assumed
declines in housing prices based on limited historical data. "As it turned
out, those assumptions fell far short of what actually transpired," Licon
Even recognized market leaders in
risk management underestimated how serious the crisis could become. Goldman
Sachs, for example, conducted what it called its "wow" stress test --
"worst of the worst" -- before the crisis. That analysis looked at
the most negative market events since 1998 and assumed they could get 30
percent worse and occur simultaneously. That still did not adequately capture
the severity of events.
The domino effect in market
Professor Licon says many of the
painful risk management lessons learned in the aftermath of the collapse of
Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) in the late 1990s were forgotten during the
housing bubble.
LTCM, the large hedge fund whose
board of directors included Nobel Laureates Myron Scholes and Robert C. Merton,
illustrated the danger of miscalculating multiple risk factors and the
linkages, or correlations, among what may appear to be unrelated assets during
a crisis. LTCM's quantitative risk models, for example, concluded that Russian
government bonds and Mexican bonds were only minimally related. But because a
relatively small number of investors dominated both markets, the default crisis
in Russia touched off panic selling in Mexico, setting off cascading losses for
the hedge fund.
The fall of LTCM was one factor leading
to the creation of instruments such as credit default swaps (CDS) meant to
insure against some of the credit risks that led to the fund's collapse. By
dispersing credit risk to a wider range of investors, it was hoped that the
dramatic concentration of risk in single entities such as LTCM could be avoided
and risk to the overall financial system would be diminished.
Drawing an example from recent
headlines, the credit default swaps global insurer AIG entered into appeared to
offset the various types of credit risk it assumed. However, market
participants failed to appreciate the limits of applying those hedging
instruments when liquidity dries up. Once
again, a single institution threatened to bring down the entire system unless
outside intervention could forestall a crisis.
These links between markets and the
institutions that participate in them highlight the need for risk models that
take into account these relationships rather than viewing single-factor risk in
Credit derivatives also underlined
the risks of financial innovations outstripping the industry's operational
capacity to manage them.A credit derivative is an asset that derives its value
from the likelihood that a particular debt instrument will one day be in
default. Already in 2005, when credit rating agencies downgraded General Motors
and Ford to below investment grade, brokerage houses admitted to back-office
chaos in trying to sort out how various investors would be affected by the huge
volume of credit default swaps traded in the aftermath of the downgrade.
Know your risk
The AIG crisis illustrated the
challenges of understanding the credit risk that arises from derivative
instruments, and reinforces the importance of comprehensive credit analysis.
Throughout the last 20 years, many financial institutions overlooked the basic
contradiction in the credit rating agencies' business model that allowed them
to earn revenue from the same entities whose securities they were assessing.
Those rating agencies are now under intense scrutiny in light of the triple-A
ratings they assigned to CDOs that quickly turned toxic once the subprime
crisis ensued. Investors now appreciate better the need to conduct their own
in-house credit analysis.
Credit derivatives have always had
their strong supporters and critics. Supporters argue credit derivatives allow
investors to express their credit more efficiently and flexibly, and mitigate
credit risk by spreading it among a wider group of investors. Critics, on the
other hand, claim these same circumstances magnified systemic risk, especially
given the difficulty of identifying counterparties and pinpointing where credit
risk ultimately resided.
Some complain that fair-value
accounting requirements exacerbated the credit crisis for many financial institutions.
But some industry leaders counter that if banks and other institutions had
properly valued their risk exposures at the outset, they would have been in a
better position to manage and reduce those exposures when the crisis hit.
Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein
told Financial Times that the daily marking of the firm's positions to
current market prices was the key indicator for reducing the firm's exposure
early on to markets and instruments that were fast losing value. While he
concedes the process can be difficult, he argues that it should be a discipline
followed by every financial institution.
The risks and benefits of herd
Finally, the difficult events of the
last two years provide an interesting case study for the risks and benefits of
the herd mentality in investing. Despite long-standing warnings of a housing
bubble, concerns about ever higher levels of leverage in the financial system
and the growing operational risks of credit derivatives, many investors felt
duty-bound to continue to pour money into CDOs and other mortgage-related
assets. Citigroup's former CEO Chuck Prince summarized this herd mentality:
"As long as the music is playing, you've got to get up and dance. We're
still dancing."
As long as interest rates remained
low and housing prices continued to appreciate, the wisdom of crowds seemed
convincing. And, the entire compensation system of the financial services
industry was geared towards encouraging higher short-term risks without regard
for their long-term consequences.
But, that same herd mentality
magnified the pain of deleveraging since everyone was seeking to unwind similar
positions at the same time, leading to the credit crunch and liquidity squeeze
that froze markets in 2008. Repairing that misalignment of incentives and risk
is likely to be one of the industry's biggest challenges in the years ahead.
Bottom Line:
- When it comes to financial risk management, don't
underestimate remote possibilities. Risk models need to incorporate a
wider range of possible outcomes and responses.
- Do your own risk analysis: if you don't understand how
a security is priced, then don't invest.
- Assets need to be fairly valued at the outset and
adjusted to market price changes.
- The herd mentality in investing is double-edged: it can
help identify opportunities on the way up but magnifies risk on the way
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