ABC classification system
Method of managing inventories based on their total value.
abilities Personal
characteristics used in performing a job.
absolute advantage
The ability to produce more of a good than another producer.
acceptance sampling
Statistical method of predicting the quality of a batch or a large group
of products by inspecting a sample or group of samples.
active listening
Absorbing what another person is saying and responding to the person's
activity scheduling
Develops the precise timetable to be followed in producing a product or
affirmative action plan
Written document outlining specific goals and timetables for remedying
past discriminatory actions.
Age Discrimination
in Employment Act of 1968 Passed in
1968, initially designed to protect individuals ages 40 to 65 from
discrimination in hiring, retention, and other conditions of employment.
Amended in 1978 to include individuals up to age 70. Specifically, forbids
mandatory retirement at 65 except in certain circumstances.
aggregate operations planning Concerned with overall operations and
balancing major sections of the operating system; matches the organization's
resources with demands for its goods and services.
Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Gives
individuals with disabilities sharply increased access to services and jobs.
apprenticeship training
System in which an employee is given instruction and experience, both on
and off the job, in all of the practical and theoretical aspects of the work
required in a skilled occupation, craft, or trade.
aptitude tests
Measure a person's capacity or potential ability to learn.
assembly chart
Depicts the sequence and manner in which the various components of a
product or service are assembled.
assessment center
Utilizes a formal procedure to simulate the problems a person might face
in a real managerial situation to evaluate the person's potential as a manager
and determine the person's development needs.
audit Method of control
normally involved with financial matters; also can include other areas of the
Legitimate exercise of power; the right to issue directives and expend
resources; related to power but narrower in scope.
autocratic leader
Makes most decisions for the group.
avoidance Giving a
person the opportunity to avoid a negative consequence by exhibiting a
desirable behavior. Also called negative reinforcement.
balance of trade
Difference between the value of the goods a country exports and the
value of the goods it imports.
behavior (personal) control Based on direct, personal surveillance.
behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) Assesses behaviors required to successfully
perform a job.
bet-your-company culture
Requires big-stakes decisions; considerable time passes before the
results are known.
board of directors
Carefully selected committee that reviews major policy and strategy
decisions proposed by top management.
bottom-up management
Philosophy popularized by William B. Given that encouraged widespread
delegation of authority to solicit the participation of all employees from the
bottom to the top of the organization.
Presenting a problem to a group and allowing group members to produce a
large quantity of ideas for its solution; no criticisms are allowed initially.
Technique in which a group is presented with a problem situation and
members anonymously write down ideas, then exchange papers with others who
build on ideas and pass them on until all members have participated.
break-even chart
Depicts graphically the relationship of volume of operations to profits.
budget Statement
of expected results or requirements expressed in financial or numerical terms.
burnout Condition
that occurs when work is no longer meaningful to a person.
business game
Generally provides a setting of a company and its environment and
requires a team of players to make decisions involving company operations.
business strategies
Focus on how to compete in a given business.
case study
Training technique that presents real and hypothetical situations for
the trainee to analyze.
Tendency of raters to rate most employees as doing average or
above-average work.
Little authority is delegated to lower levels of management.
Requires the manager to answer yes or no to a series of questions concerning the employee's behavior.
Civil Rights Act of
1991 Permits women, persons with
disabilities, and persons who are in religious minorities to have a jury trial
and sue for punitive damages if they can prove intentional hiring and workplace
discrimination. Also requires companies to provide evidence that the business
practice that led to the discrimination was not discriminatory but was related
to the performance of the job in question and consistent with business
coaching Carried out by experienced managers,
emphasizes the responsibility of all managers for developing employees.
code of ethics A
document that outlines the principles of conduct to be used in making decisions
within an organization.
combination strategy
Used when an organization simultaneously employs different strategies
for different parts of the company.
Organization structure in which a group of people are formally
appointed, organized, and superimposed on the line or line and staff structure
to consider or decide certain matters.
communication The
act of exchanging information.
comparative advantage
Exists when a country can produce goods more efficiently or cheaply than
other countries because of its specific circumstance.
Composed of the extrinsic rewards offered by the organization and
consists of the base wage or salary, any incentives or bonuses, and any
benefits employees receive in exchange for their work.
competitive advantage
Sometimes called businessspecific advantage; refers to some proprietary
characteristic of the business, such as a brand name, that competitors cannot
imitate without substantial cost and risk.
computer-aided design (CAD) Generates various views of different
components and assemblies.
computer-aided engineering (CAE) Uses a product's characteristics to analyze
its performance under different parameters.
computer-aided manufacturing
(CAM) Uses stored data regarding various products
to provide instructions for automated production equipment.
computer-based training
Training that allows the trainee to absorb knowledge from a preset
computer program and advance his or her knowledge in a self-paced format.
computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) Uses computer technology to incorporate all
of the organization's production-related functions into an integrated computer
system to assist, augment, or automate most functions.
conceptual skills
Involve understanding the relationship of the parts of a business to one
another and to the business as a whole. Decision making, planning, and
organizing are specific managerial activities that require conceptual skills.
concurrent (screening) control Focuses on process as it occurs; designed to
detect a problem when it occurs.
conflict Overt
behavior that results when an individual or a group of individuals thinks a
perceived need or needs of the individual or group have been blocked or are
about to be blocked.
Leader behavior of showing concern for individual group members and
satisfying their needs.
contingency approach to leadership Focuses on the style of leadership that is
most effective in particular situations.
contingency approach to management Theorizes that different situations and
conditions require different management approaches.
contingency (situational) approach to organization
structure States that the most
appropriate structure depends on the technology used, the rate of environmental
change, and other dynamic forces.
contingency plans
Address the what-ifs of the manager's job; get the manager in the habit
of being prepared and knowing what to do if something does go wrong.
continuous flow system
Operating system used by companies that produce large amounts of similar
products/services flowing through similar stages of the operating system.
continuous improvement
Refers to an ongoing effort to make improvements in every part of the
organization relative to all of its products and services.
contract An
agreement between two parties to carry out a transaction.
control Process of
ensuring that organizational activities are going according to plan;
accomplished by comparing actual performance to predetermined standards or
objectives, then taking action to correct any deviations.
control tolerances
Variation from the standard that is acceptable to the manager.
Measuring performance against objectives, determining the causes of
deviations, and taking corrective action where necessary.
copyright The protection provided to a creative work.
corporate culture
Communicates how people in an organization should behave by establishing
a value system conveyed through rites, rituals, myths, legends, and actions.
corporate strategies
See grand strategies.
corporation A
business formed under state or federal statutes that is authorized to act as a
legal person.
creativity Coming
up with an idea that is new, original, useful, or satisfying to its creator or
to someone else.
critical-incident appraisal Requires the manager to keep a written
record of incidents, as they occur, involving job behaviors that illustrate
both satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance of the employee being rated.
critical path
method (CPM) Planning and control
technique that graphically depicts the relationships among the various
activities of a project; used when time durations of project activities are
accurately known and have little variance.
culture Set of
important understandings (often unstated) that members of a community share.
customer departmentalization Defining organizational units in terms of
customers served.
data processing
Capture, processing, and storage of data.
decentralization A
great deal of authority is delegated to lower levels of management.
decision making In
its narrowest sense, the process of choosing from among various alternatives.
decision process
Process that involves three stages: intelligence, design, and choice.
Intelligence is searching the environment for conditions requiring a decision.
Design is inventing, developing, and analyzing possible courses of action.
Choice is the actual selection of a course of action.
defensive (retrenchment) strategy Used when a company wants or needs to reduce
its operations.
democratic leader
Guides and encourages the group to make decisions.
Grouping jobs into related work units.
dependent demand items
Subassembly or component parts used to make a finished product; their
demand is based on the number of finished products being produced.
direct feedback
Process in which the change agent communicates the information gathered
through diagnosis directly to the affected people.
dissonance Feeling
of conflict felt by individual trying to make a decision.
Including people of different genders, races, religions, nationalities,
ethnic groups, age groups, and physical abilities.
economic order quantity (EOQ) Optimal number of units to order at one
effort Results
from being motivated; refers to the amount of energy an employee uses in
performing a job.
embargo Involves
stopping the flow of exports to or imports from a foreign country.
employee assistance
program (EAP) Program sponsored by the
organization that attempts to help employees with stress, burnout, and other
personal problems that include alcohol and drug abuse, depression, anxiety,
domestic trauma, financial problems, and other psychiatric/medical problems.
employee leasing companies Provide permanent staffs at customer
empowerment Form
of decentralization in which subordinates have authority to make decisions.
entrepreneur An
individual who conceives the idea of what product or service to produce, starts
the organization, and builds it to the point where additional people are
entry socialization
Adaptation process by which new employees are introduced and
indoctrinated into the organization.
environmental changes
All nontechnological changes that occur outside the organization.
equal employment opportunity The right of all people to work and to
advance on the bases of merit, ability, and potential.
Equal Pay Act of
1963 Prohibits wage discrimination on
the basis of sex.
equity theory
Motivation theory based on the idea that people want to be treated
fairly in relationship to others.
ergonomics Study
of the interface between humans and machines.
essay appraisal method
Requires the manager to describe an employee's performance in written
narrative form.
ethics A set of
moral principles or values that govern behavior.
evaluation phase
Third phase in strategic management, in which the implemented strategic
plan is monitored, evaluated, and updated.
exception principle
States that managers should concentrate on matters that deviate
significantly from normal and let subordinates handle routine matters; also
called management by exception.
Employee's belief that his or her effort will lead to the desired level
of performance.
expectancy approach
Based on the idea that employees' beliefs about the relationship among
effort, performance, and outcomes as a result of performance and the value
employees place on the outcomes determine their level of motivation.
exports Goods and
services that are sold abroad.
external environment
Consists of everything outside the organization.
Providing no positive consequences or removing previously provided
positive consequences as a result of undesirable behavior.
extrinsic rewards
Rewards that are directly controlled and distributed by the
layout Process of planning the optimal
physical arrangement of facilities, including personnel, operating equipment,
storage space, office space, materials-handling equipment, and room for
customer or product movement.
Family and Medical
Leave Act (FMLA) Enables qualified
employees to take prolonged unpaid leave for family- and health-related reasons
without fear of losing their jobs.
feedback The flow
of information from the receiver to the sender.
feedback system
System in which outputs from the system affect future inputs or future
activities of the system.
fixed overhead expenses
Expenses that do not change appreciably with fluctuations in the level
of production or service.
fixed-position layout
A type of facilities layout where the product is too large to move and
remains in one place.
flat structure
Organization with few levels and relatively large spans of management at
each level.
flow process chart
Outlines what happens to a product or service as it progresses through
the facility.
forced-choice rating
Requires the manager to rank a set of statements describing how an
employee carries out the duties and responsibilities of the job.
formal plan
Written, documented plan developed through an identifiable process.
formal work group
Work group established and formally recognized by the organizing
function of management.
formulation phase
First phase in strategic management, in which the initial strategic plan
is developed.
free trade area A
region within which trade restrictions are reduced or eliminated.
functional departmentalization Defining organizational units in terms of
the nature of the work.
functional plans
Originate from the functional areas of an organization such as
production, marketing, finance, and personnel.
functional strategies
Concerned with the activities of the different functional areas of the
Gantt chart Planning and controlling device that
graphically depicts work planned and work accomplished in their relation to
each other and to time.
geographic departmentalization Defining organizational units by
glass ceiling
Refers to a level within the managerial hierarchy beyond which very few
women and minorities advance.
global economy
Economy in which companies compete actively with businesses from around
the world.
technique Differs from brainstorming in
that no one but the group leader knows the exact nature of the real problem
under consideration. A key word is used to describe a problem area.
grand or corporate strategies Address which businesses an organization
will be in and how resources will be allocated among those businesses.
grapevine Informal
channels of communication within an organization.
graphic rating scale
Requires the manager to assess an employee on factors such as quantity
of work, dependability, job knowledge, attendance, accuracy of work, and
group cohesiveness
Degree of attraction each member has for the group, or the
"stick-togetherness" of the group.
group conformity
Degree to which the members of the group accept and abide by the norms
of the group.
group norms
Informal rules a group adopts to regulate and regularize group members'
Dysfunctional syndrome that cohesive groups experience that causes the
group to lose its critical evaluative capabilities.
growth strategy
Used when the organization tries to expand, as measured by sales,
product line, number of employees, or similar measures.
halo effect Occurs
when the interviewer allows a single prominent characteristic to dominate
judgment of all other traits.
effect States that giving special
attention to a group of employees (such as involving them in an experiment)
changes their behavior.
studies Series of experiments conducted
in 1924 at the Hawthorne plant of Western Electric in Cicero, Illinois;
production increased in relationship to psychological and social conditions
rather than to the environment.
horizontal or lateral communication Communication across the lines of the formal
chain of command.
horizontal structure
Consists of two groups. One group is composed of members of senior
management who are responsible for strategic decisions and policies. The second
group is composed of empowered employees working together in different process
human asset accounting
Determining and recording the value of an organization's human resources
in its statement of financial condition.
human relations skills
Involve understanding people and being able to work well with them.
human resource forecasting Process that attempts to determine the
future human resource needs of the organization in light of the organization's
human resource planning (HRP) Process of "getting the right number of
qualified people into the right job at the right time." Also called
personnel planning.
hybrid departmentalization Occurs when an organization simultaneously
uses more than one type of departmentalization.
idiosyncrasy credit
Phenomenon that occurs when certain members who have made or are making
significant contributions to the group's goals are allowed to take some
liberties within the group.
implementation phase
Second phase in strategic management, in which the strategic plan is put
into effect.
importing The
purchasing of goods from a foreign company.
imports Goods and
services purchased abroad.
In Search of
Excellence Book by Thomas J. Peters
and Robert H. Waterman, Jr., that identifies 36 companies with an excellent
20-year performance record. The authors identified eight characteristics of
excellence after interviewing managers in each company.
in-basket technique
Simulates a realistic situation by requiring each trainee to answer one
manager's mail and telephone calls.
income tax A tax
levied against a business's profits.
independent demand items
Finished goods ready to be shipped out or sold.
inequity Exists
when a person perceives his or her job inputs and outcomes to be less than the
job inputs and outcomes of another person.
informal organization
Aggregate of the personal contacts and interactions and the associated
groupings of people working within the formal organization.
informal work group
Work group that results from personal contacts and interactions among
people and is not formally recognized by the organization.
initiating structure
Leader behavior of structuring the work of group members and directing
the group toward the attainment of the group's goals.
innovation Process
of applying a new and creative idea to a product, service, or method of
inputs What an
employee perceives are his or her contributions to the organization (e.g.,
education, intelligence, experience, training, skills, and the effort exerted
on the job).
Employee's belief that attaining the desired level of performance will
lead to desired rewards.
intellectual property
Ownership of ideas; gives creators of the intellectual property the
exclusive right to market and sell their work.
interest tests
Determine how a person's interests compare with the interests of
successful people in a specific job.
intergroup (structural) conflict Conflict that results from the
organizational structure; may be relatively independent of the individuals
occupying the roles within the structure.
intermittent flow system
Operating system used when customized products and services are
internal changes
Budget adjustments, policy changes, personnel changes, and the like.
international trade
The exchange of goods and services by different countries.
Internet A global collection of independently
operating, but interconnected, computers.
interpersonal communication An interactive process between individuals
that involves sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages.
interpersonal conflict
Conflict between two or more individuals.
intranet A
private, corporate, computer network that uses Internet products and
technologies to provide multimedia applications within organizations.
intrapersonal conflict
Conflict internal to the individual.
Entrepreneurship within a large or medium-size company.
intrinsic rewards
Rewards internal to the individual and normally derived from involvement
in work activities.
intuitive approach
Approach used when managers make decisions based largely on hunches and
inventory Quantity
of raw materials, in-process goods, or finished goods on hand; serves as a
buffer between different rates of flow associated with the operating system.
ISO 9000 A set of quality standards for international
ISO 14000 Addition
to the ISO 9000 to control the impact of an organization's activities and
outputs on the environment.
job analysis
Process of determining, through observation and study, the pertinent
information relating to the nature of a specific job.
job content
Aggregate of all the work tasks the jobholder may be asked to perform.
job depth Refers
to the freedom of employees to plan and organize their own work, work at their
own pace, and move around and communicate as desired.
job description
Written statement that identifies the tasks, duties, activities, and
performance results required in a particular job.
job design
Designates the specific work activities of an individual or a group of
job enlargement
Giving an employee more of a similar type of operation to perform.
job enrichment
Upgrading the job by adding motivator factors.
job knowledge tests
Measure the job-related knowledge possessed by a job applicant.
job method Manner
in which the human body is used, the arrangement of the workplace, and the
design of the tools and equipment used.
job rotation
Process in which the trainee goes from one job to another within the
organization, generally remaining in each job from six months to a year.
job satisfaction
An individual's general attitude about his or her job.
job scope Refers
to the number of different types of operations performed on the job.
job specification
Written statement that identifies the abilities, skills, traits, or
attributes necessary for successful performance in a particular job.
just-in-time inventory control (JIT) Inventory control system that schedules
materials to arrive and leave as they are needed.
kaizen "Good
change"; a process of continuous and relentless improvement.
laissez-faire leader
Allows people within the group to make all decisions.
law of comparative advantage Producers should produce the goods they are
most efficient at producing and purchase from others the goods they are less
efficient at producing.
layoff Occurs when
there is not enough work for all employees; employees will be called back if
and when the workload increases.
leader One who
obtains followers and influences them in setting and achieving objectives.
Leader Behavior
Description Questionnaire (LBDQ)
Questionnaire designed to determine what a successful leader does,
regardless of the type of group being led.
leader-member relations
Degree to which others trust and respect the leader and the leader's
leadership Ability
to influence people to willingly follow one's guidance or adhere to one's
leading Directing
and channeling human behavior toward the accomplishment of objectives.
lean manufacturing
A systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste and
non-value-added activities.
lean six sigma A
combination of lean methods and six sigma; draws on the philosophies,
principles, and tools of both approaches. Goal is growth and not just
leniency Grouping
of ratings at the positive end of the scale instead of spreading them
throughout the scale.
level of aspiration
Level of performance that a person expects to attain; determined by the
person's prior successes and failures.
limited liability partnership (LLP) A partnership where liability is limited to
the amount of money invested in the business or any guarantees given.
linchpin concept
Because managers are members of overlapping groups, they link formal
work groups to the total organization.
line and staff structure
Organization structure that results when staff specialists are added to
a line organization.
line functions
Functions and activities directly involved in producing and marketing
the organization's goods or services.
line structure
Organization structure with direct vertical lines between the different
levels of the organization.
long-range objectives
Go beyond the current fiscal year; must support and not conflict with
the organizational mission.
long-range plans
Typically span at least three to five years; some extend as far as 20
years into the future.
Malcolm Baldrige Award
Recognition of U.S. companies' achievements in quality.
management A
process of deciding the best way to use an organization's resources to produce
goods or provide services.
management audit
Attempts to evaluate the overall management practices and policies of
the organization.
management by objectives (MBO) MBO is a philosophy based on converting
organizational objectives into personal objectives. It assumes that
establishing personal objectives elicits employee commitment, which leads to
improved performance.
management development
Process of developing the attitudes and skills necessary to become or
remain an effective manager.
management information system (MIS) Integrated approach for providing
interpreted and relevant data that can help managers make decisions.
management theory jungle
Term developed by Harold Koontz referring to the division of thought
that resulted from the multiple approaches to studying the management process.
Managerial Grid A
two-dimensional framework rating a leader on the basis of concern for people
and concern for production.
material requirements planning
(MRP) Dependent
inventory planning and control system that schedules the right amount of
materials needed to produce the final product on schedule.
matrix structure
Hybrid organization structure in which individuals from different
functional areas are assigned to work on a specific project or task.
maximax approach
Selecting the alternative whose best possible outcome is the best of all
possible outcomes for all alternatives; sometimes called the optimistic or
gambling approach to decision making.
maximin approach
Comparing the worst possible outcomes for each alternative and selecting
the one that is least undesirable; sometimes called the pessimistic approach to
decision making.
McCormick multiple-management plan Developed by Charles McCormick, a plan that
uses participation as a training and motivational tool by selecting promising
young employees from various company departments to form a junior board of
mechanistic systems
Organizational systems characterized by a rigid delineation of
functional duties, precise job descriptions, fixed authority and
responsibility, and a well-developed organizational hierarchy through which
information filters up and instructions flow down.
middle management
Responsible for implementing and achieving organizational objectives;
also responsible for developing departmental objectives and actions.
mission Defines
the basic purpose(s) of an organization: why the organization exists.
Concerned with what activates human behavior, what directs this behavior
toward a particular goal, and how this behavior is sustained.
motivation maintenance
An approach to work motivation that associates factors of high-low
motivation with either the work environment or the work itself. Also called
motivation hygiene.
multinational corporation (MNC) Business that maintains a presence in two or
more countries, has a considerable portion of its assets invested in and
derives a substantial portion of its sales and profits from international activities,
considers opportunities throughout the world, and has a worldwide perspective
and orientation.
need hierarchy Based on the assumption that individuals are
motivated to satisfy a number of needs and that money can directly or
indirectly satisfy only some of these needs.
needs assessment
Systematic analysis of the specific training activities a business
requires to achieve its objectives.
nominal group technique (NGT) Highly structured technique for solving
group tasks; minimizes personal interactions to encourage activity and reduce
pressures toward conformity.
nonprogrammed decisions
Decisions that have little or no precedent; they are relatively
unstructured and generally require a creative approach by the decision maker.
North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) NAFTA allows
businesses in the United States, Mexico, and Canada to sell their products
anywhere in North America without facing major trade restrictions.
Statements outlining what the organization is trying to achieve; give an
organization and its members direction.
Occupational Safety
and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970 Federal
legislation designed to reduce job injuries; established specific federal
safety guidelines for almost all U.S. organizations.
on-the-job training (OJT)
Normally given by a senior employee or supervisor, training in which the
trainee is shown how to perform the job and allowed to do it under the
trainer's supervision.
operating systems
Consist of the processes and activities necessary to turn inputs into
goods or services.
operations management
Application of the basic concepts and principles of management to those
segments of the organization that produce its goods or services.
operations or tactical planning Short-range planning; done primarily by
middle- to lower-level managers, it concentrates on the formulation of
functional plans.
operations planning
Designing the systems of the organization that produce goods or
services; planning the day-to-day operations within those systems.
Selecting the best possible alternative.
optimizing approach
Includes the following steps: recognize the need for a decision;
establish, rank, and weigh criteria; gather available information and data;
identify possible alternatives; evaluate each alternative with respect to all
criteria; and select the best alternative.
organic systems
Organizational systems characterized by less formal job descriptions,
greater emphasis on adaptability, more participation, and less fixed authority.
organization Group
of people working together in some concerted or coordinated effort to attain
organization structure
Framework that defines the boundaries of the formal organization and
within which the organization operates.
organizational conflict
Conflict between employees and the organization itself.
organizational development (OD) Organizationwide, planned effort, managed
from the top, to increase organizational performance through planned
organizational diplomacy
Strategies used to minimize conflict in a diverse workplace.
morale An individual's feeling of being
accepted by, and belonging to, a group of employees through common goals,
confidence in the desirability of these goals, and progress toward these goals.
organizational rewards
All types of rewards, both intrinsic and extrinsic, received as a result
of employment by the organization.
Grouping activities, assigning activities, and providing the authority
necessary to carry out the activities.
Introduction of new employees to the organization, their work units, and
their jobs.
orientation kit
Normally prepared by the human resource department, provides a wide
variety of materials to supplement the general organizational orientation.
output (impersonal) control Based on the measurement of outputs.
Practice of subcontracting information systems work to an independent
outside source.
paralanguage A
form of nonverbal communication that includes the pitch, tempo, loudness, and
hesitations in verbal communication.
parity principle
States that authority and responsibility must coincide.
partnership An
association of two or more persons who jointly own a for-profit business.
patent The
document the federal government issues to inventors and companies that gives
them the exclusive right to their inventions for 17 years.
path-goal theory of leadership Attempts to define the relationships between
a leader's behavior and the subordinates' performance and work activities.
perception The
mental and sensory processes an individual uses in interpreting information
performance Degree
of accomplishment of the tasks that make up an employee's job.
performance appraisal
Process that involves determining and communicating to employees how
they are performing their jobs and establishing a plan for improvement.
period of solidification
A period in the 1920s and 1930s in which management became recognized as
a discipline.
Peter Principle
Tendency of individuals in a hierarchy to rise to their levels of
physical inventory
Counting the number of units of inventory a company holds in stock.
planning Process
of deciding what objectives to pursue during a future time period and what to
do to achieve those objectives.
policies Broad,
general guides to action that constrain or direct the attainment of objectives.
polygraph A device
that records physical changes in the body as the test subject answers a series
of questions.
polygraph tests
Record physical changes in the body as the test subject answers a series
of questions; popularly known as lie detector tests.
position power
Power and influence that go with a job.
positive reinforcement
Providing a positive consequence as a result of desirable behavior.
postaction control
Designed to detect an existing or a potential problem before it gets out
of hand.
power Ability to influence, command, or apply
force; a measure of a person's potential to get others to do what he or she
wants them to do, as well as to avoid being forced by others to do what he or
she does not want to do.
preliminary (steering) control Method of exercising control to prevent a
problem from occurring.
principle A basic
truth or law.
principle of bounded rationality Assumes people have the time and cognitive
ability to process only a limited amount of information on which to base
principle of individual rights Involves making decisions based on
protecting human dignity.
problem solving
Process of determining the appropriate responses or actions necessary to
alleviate a problem.
procedure Series
of related steps or tasks expressed in chronological order for a specific
process approach to management Focuses on the management functions of
planning, controlling, organizing, staffing, and leading.
process control
Relates to equipment and processes used during the production process;
used to monitor quality while the product or service is being produced.
process control chart
Time-based graphic display that shows whether a machine or a process is
producing items that meet preestablished specifications.
process culture
Involves low risk with little feedback; employees focus on how things
are done rather than on the outcomes.
process layout
Facilities layout that groups together equipment or services of a
similar functional type.
process selection
Specifies in detail the processes and sequences required to transform
inputs into products or services.
product departmentalization Grouping all activities necessary to produce
and market a product or service under one manager.
product layout
Facilities layout that arranges equipment or services according to the
progressive steps by which the product is made or the customer is served.
product quality control
Relates to inputs or outputs of the system; used when quality is
evaluated with respect to a batch of existing products or services.
production planning
Concerned primarily with aggregate operations planning, resource
allocation, and activity scheduling.
production standards approach Performance appraisal method most frequently
used for employees who are involved in physically producing a product; is
basically a form of objective setting for these employees.
professional manager
Career manager who does not necessarily have a controlling interest in
the organization and bears a responsibility to employees, stockholders, and the
proficiency tests
Measure how well the applicant can do a sample of the work that is to be
program evaluation and review technique (PERT) Planning and control technique that
graphically depicts the relationships among the various activities of a
project; used when the durations of the project activities are not accurately
programmed decisions
Decisions that are reached by following an established or systematic
property tax Tax
levied against the property, buildings, and land owned by a business.
psychological tests
Attempt to measure personality characteristics.
psychomotor tests
Measure a person's strength, dexterity, and coordination.
Providing a negative consequence as a result of undesirable behavior.
quality For the
operations manager, quality is determined in relation to the specifications or
standards set in the design stages—the degree or grade of excellence specified.
quality at the source The philosophy of making each employee
responsible for the quality of his or her own work.
quality circle
Composed of a group of employees (usually from 5 to 15 people) who are
members of a single work unit, section, or department; the basic purpose of a
quality circle is to discuss quality problems and generate ideas that might
help improve quality.
quota Establishes
the maximum quantity of a product that can be imported or exported during a
given period.
recency Occurs
when performance evaluations are based on work performed most recently,
generally work performed one to two months before evaluation.
Seeking and attracting a supply of people from which qualified
candidates for job vacancies can be selected.
Searching for and implementing radical change in business processes to
achieve breakthroughs in costs, speed, productivity, and service.
regulations Rules
that government agencies issue to implement laws.
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Prohibits discrimination in hiring of
persons with disabilities by federal agencies and federal contractors.
reinforcement theory
States that the consequences of a person's present behavior influence
future behavior.
resource allocation
Efficient allocation of people, materials, and equipment to meet the
demand requirements of the operating system.
Accountability for the attainment of objectives, the use of resources,
and the adherence to organizational policy.
reverse discrimination
Providing preferential treatment for one group (e.g., minority or
female) over another group (e.g., white male) rather than merely providing
equal opportunity.
risk-averting approach
Choosing the alternative with the least variation among its possible
role Set of
behaviors associated with a particular job.
role perception
Direction in which employees believe they should channel their efforts
on their jobs.
routing Finds the
best path and sequence of operations for attaining a desired level of output with
a given mix of equipment and personnel.
rules Require
specific and definite actions to be taken or not to be taken in a given
sabbatical Derived
from Sabbath and literally means a recurring period of rest and renewal.
safety stocks Inventory
maintained to accommodate unexpected changes in demand and supply and allow for
variations in delivery time.
Selecting the first alternative that meets the decision maker's minimum
standard of satisfaction.
scalar principle
States that authority in the organization flows through the chain of
managers one link at a time, ranging from the highest to the lowest ranks; also
called chain of command.
Scanlon plan Incentive plan developed in 1938 by Joseph
Scanlon to give workers a bonus for tangible savings in labor costs.
scientific management
Philosophy of Frederick W. Taylor that sought to increase productivity
and make the work easier by scientifically studying work methods and
establishing standards.
self-directed work teams (SDWT) Teams in which members are empowered to
control the work they do without a formal supervisor.
self-fulfilling prophecy
The relationship between a leader's expectations and the resulting
performance of subordinates.
semantics The
science or study of the meanings of words and symbols.
sensitivity training
Method used in OD to make one more aware of oneself and one's impact on
short-range objectives
Generally tied to a specific time period of a year or less and are
derived from an in-depth evaluation of long-range objectives.
short-range plans
Generally cover up to one year.
situation of certainty
Situation that occurs when a decision maker knows exactly what will
happen and can often calculate the precise outcome for each alternative.
situation of risk
Situation that occurs when a decision maker is aware of the relative
probabilities of occurrence associated with each alternative.
situation of uncertainty
Situation that occurs when a decision maker has very little or no
reliable information on which to evaluate the different possible outcomes.
situational leadership theory As the level of maturity of followers
increases, structure should be reduced while socioemotional support should
first be increased and then gradually decreased.
six sigma Both a
precise set of statistical tools and a rallying cry for continuous improvement.
skills inventory
Consolidates information about the organization's current human
small business A
company that is independently owned and operated and is not dominant in its
field; generally has fewer than 100 employees.
social audit A
method used by management to evaluate the success or lack of success of
programs designed to improve the social performance of the organization.
social responsibility
The obligation that individuals or businesses have to help solve social
sociotechnical approach
Approach to job design that considers both the technical system and the
accompanying social system.
Describes the actions of employees who intentionally restrict output.
sole proprietorship
A business owned by a single individual, or proprietor.
span of management
Number of subordinates a manager can effectively manage; also called
span of control.
stability strategy
Used when the organization is satisfied with its present course (status
quo strategy).
staff functions
Functions that are advisory and supportive in nature; designed to
contribute to the efficiency and maintenance of the organization.
Determining human resource needs and recruiting, selecting, training,
and developing human resources.
stakeholders The
people—employees, customers, suppliers, and the community—who are affected by
the actions of a business.
standard Value
used as a point of reference for comparing other values.
strategic business unit (SBU) Distinct business that has its own set of
competitors and can be managed reasonably independently of other businesses
within the organization.
strategic management
Formulation, proper implementation, and continuous evaluation of
strategic plans; determines the long-run directions and performance of an
organization. The essence of strategic management is developing strategic plans
and keeping them current.
strategic planning
Analogous to top-level long-range planning; covers a relatively long
period; affects many parts of the organization.
strategy Outlines
the basic steps management plans to take to reach an objective or a set of
objectives; outlines how management intends to achieve its objectives.
stress Mental or
physical condition that results from a perceived threat of danger (physical or
emotional) and the pressure to remove it.
subsidies or subsidized protection Widely used practice of government support
of domestic industries to make their prices cheaper than the prices of imports.
supervisory management
Manages operative employees; generally considered the first level of
synectics Creative
problem-solving technique that uses metaphorical thinking to "make the
familiar strange and the strange familiar."
systems approach to
management A way of thinking about the
job of managing that provides a framework for visualizing internal and external
environmental factors as an integrated whole.
tall structure
Organization with many levels and relatively small spans of management.
Government-imposed taxes charged on goods imported into a country.
task structure
Degree to which job tasks are structured.
team building
Process by which the formal work group develops an awareness of those
conditions that keep it from functioning effectively and then requires the
group to eliminate those conditions.
technical skills
Involve being able to perform the mechanics of a particular job.
technological changes
Changes in such things as new equipment and new processes.
Personal stress generated by reliance on technological devices—a panicky
feeling when they fail a state of near-constant stimulation, or being
constantly "plugged in."
temporary help
People working for employment agencies who are subcontracted out to
businesses at an hourly rate for a period of time specified by the businesses.
test reliability
Consistency or reproducibility of the results of a test.
test validity
Extent to which a test predicts a specific criterion.
tests Provide a
sample of behavior used to draw inferences about the future behavior or
performance of an individual.
Theory Z A theory developed by William Ouchi that
attempts to integrate American and Japanese management practices by combining
the American emphasis on individual responsibility with the Japanese emphasis
on collective decision making, slow evaluation and promotion, and holistic
concern for employees.
360-degree feedback
assessment) Method
of performance appraisal that uses input from an employee's managers, peers,
customers, suppliers, or colleagues.
Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Designed to
eliminate employment discrimination related to race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin in organizations that conduct interstate commerce.
top or senior management
Establishes the objectives of the organization, formulates the actions
necessary to achieve them, and allocates the resources of the organization to
achieve the objectives.
tough-person, macho culture Characterized by individuals who take high
risks and get quick feedback on whether their decisions are right or wrong.
trademark A word,
name, symbol, or slogan a business uses to identify its own goods.
training Acquiring
skills or learning concepts to increase the performance of employees.
trait theory
Stressed what the leader was like rather than what the leader did.
transactional leadership
Takes the approach that leaders engage in a bargaining relationship with
their followers.
transaction-processing system Substitutes computer processing for manual
recordkeeping procedures.
transformational leadership Involves cultivating employee acceptance of
the group mission.
unity of command principle States that an employee should have one, and
only one, immediate manager.
valence Employee's
belief about the value of the rewards.
value A
conception, explicit or implicit, that defines what an individual or a group
regards as desirable. People are not born with values; rather, they acquire and
develop them early in life.
value-added chain
Process by which a business combines the raw material, labor, and
technology into a finished product, markets the product, and distributes the
variable overhead expenses Expenses that change in proportion to the
level of production or service.
vestibule training
System in which procedures and equipment similar to those used in the
actual job are set up in a special working area called a vestibule.
virtual organization
Temporary network of independent companies—suppliers, customers, and
even rivals—linked by information technology to share skills, costs, and access
to one another's markets.
wellness program
Company-implemented program designed to prevent illness and enhance
employee well-being.
Working to the exclusion of everything else in one's life.
work-hard/play-hard culture Encourages employees to take few risks and
to expect rapid feedback.
zero-base budgeting
Form of budgeting in which the manager must build and justify each area
of a budget. Each activity is identified, evaluated, and ranked by importance.
zero-defects program
Increasing quality by increasing everyone's impact on quality.
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