Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Automated Storage and Retrieval System AS/RS

Automated Storage and Retrieval System in Warehouse (AS/RS)
An AS/RS is a combination of equipment and controls which handles, stores, and retrieves materials with precision, accuracy, and speed under a defined degree of automation.
In General, AS/RS systems transport, stage, retrieve, and report on every inventory item with up-to-the minute accuracy.
Concept of AS/RS
          The operation is totally automated
          Computer controlled
          Fully integrated with factory and warehouse operations
Basic Structure of AS/RS
          Storage structure
          S/R(storage/retrieval) machine
          Storage modules (e.g.) pallets for unit loads
          One or more pickup-and deposit station
          External handling system
Benefits of AS/RS
          Improve operator efficiency and storage capacity
          Increasing accuracy
          Maximize available storage space
          Reducing labor costs
          Reducing product damage and waste costs
          Increasing customer service (e.g. : fast delivery)
          Real time inventory control
          Removing personnel from difficult working condition (such as cold food storage environments)

Current Types of AS/RS
          Unit load AS/RS - Large automated system designed to use S/R machines to move unit loads on pallets into and out of storage racks.
          Deep-Lane AS/RS – High-density unit load storage system, designed to store large amounts of stock with relatively little amounts of stock types. It generally stores ten or more loads in a single rack with the input on one side and output on the other
          Mini-load AS/RS - Smaller automated system designed to move smaller loads into and out of storage bins or drawers.
          Man-on-board AS/RS - Uses personnel to pick items from racks or bins, reducing transaction time.
          Automated item retrieval system - Items to be moved are stored in single file lanes, rather than in bins or drawers.
          Vertical lift storage modules –same principle of using a center aisle to access loads is used except that the aisle is vertical. Helps to save floor space
Use of AS/RS at Different places
          Warehouses - Storing, Moving, and selecting parts
          Manufacturing - Just in time arrival of parts
          Clean Rooms - Moving and storing of material that cannot be contaminated
          Libraries  - Book storage and retrieval
          Hospitals - Storage and retrieval of dangerous material
          Pharmaceuticals - Storage and retrieval of dangerous material
          Grocery Distributer - Moving and storing of material that cannot be contaminated

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